
This section of the website is where we will post documents or links to materials that we come across that connect to the broad subject matter of the project.

1. We have created a page on Energy and Decentralization in Kenya. This was created as an outcome of the discussions initiated during a meeting on County Energy Planning in Kenya which took place on Monday 16th March 2015 at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in Nairobi which was organized by our colleagues in the Stockholm Environment Institute and Practical Action. One of the issues raised during the workshop was the need for a website where materials from the event and, even more importantly, about the range of county-level energy-initiatives underway in Kenya could be shared. This page was the result. –

2. Simon Batchelor and his colleagues at GAMOS have created have created an excellent series of short videos promoting some of the lessons learnt through the READ project. You can view them here via the READ video channel on Youtube. –

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3. You can also access this as an App from GooglePlay ( or the Apple Appstore – please download and share widely.

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